Private Training

Private Training

Tailored Training: Personalized Private Dog Training Sessions

Every dog wants to be a good dog, and every dog can be a good dog once you understand their training needs based on personality, temperament and energy. Recommended for those who have busy schedules and limited time to join group classes, or for dogs experiencing behavioral problems. A private dog training session focuses on the problematic areas to help your dog overcome them faster.

Benefits of Private Training

Ideal For

Fearful/Anxious dogs

Dogs who lack social skills (dog or people aggressive)

Flexible timings to work around your schedule

Helps adjust to lifestyle changes

We work at your dog’s pace

Working together with you and your dog

We tailor the program to individual needs. We will train at your dog’s pace, starting with basics and working up to intermediate or even advanced obedience if you wish. Included in the training is important life skills such as manners, focus and understanding of how to better communicate with your dog to enhance your relationship, in addition to helping you to design a schedule that will work for you and your dog’s needs.

Prepare Your Dog

We can also help your family prepare your dog for any upcoming lifestyle changes such as getting ready for a baby or moving house. We aim to balance your dog’s training requirements with your lifestyle demands to help to prepare your dog for changes.

About the Sessions

Training sessions are one hour in length, and we advise they are held once per week (depending on the training). There is a special offer for private training at our center for a package of 6 sessions, when you book and pay in advance you receive the 6th lesson free. Dogs require consistency so we encourage the whole family to participate in the training process.


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